Sunday, April 19, 2009

Night Terrors...

Jacob has been potty trained for almost a year now, but I have nee too scared to let him sleep in underwear. He still sleeps in a diaper; until recently. A few nights ago I thought to myself, "He should be able to sleep in underwear and not wet the bed." So from then on I let go of the fear and let him wear underwear to bed. So the past couple of nights he has ended up in our bed pretty early (around 4 am) and I just put it off to he needed to go potty so that woke him up. Well last night he was in our bed and I wake up to Josh leaving the room, I just figured Jacob had pushed him out and he was going to go into the living room to sleep. Well 8:00 rolls around and here comes Caden-bug crawling into bed with us. This wakes Jacob up and he tells me he wants to go watch cartoons. He goes into the living room and Josh turns on the cartoons and then comes to lay back down with me and Caden. Josh lays down but then sits up real fast and says, "Courtney the bed is wet right here." I answered with, " I think I was really hot last night and I sweated a lot because my whole back is damp." Josh looks at me really funny and says, "Jacob felt wet are you sure he didn't pee in the bed?" I assured him that it was just me overheating. He still didn't believe me so he leaned down and sniffed the bed. His face twists into a sour expression and at that moment I realize that in fast Jacob had peed in the bed and I had been rolling around in it all night. I jump up fast strip the bed and Jacob; I start a load of laundry and then jump in the shower (with Jacob) to get the pee off of us.

Oh my life is never dull.


kathy said...

This is hilarious!!!

Anonymous said...

HA!!! And this is why Ansley still wears a diaper at night too. I have been saying that we need to work on this but I've been putting it off. That's too funny!