Monday, April 20, 2009

It's Official Jacob is 3!

I cannot believe it has been 3 years since this wonderful bundle of joy came into our lives. Although being a mommy can be tiring, I could not imagine my life without this sweet little boy. As a baby he would always reach up and play with my hair while I rocked him. This started when he was about 2 weeks old and to this day he still needs to play with my hair. It is so sweet and makes my heart bubble up with joy when he crawls up in my lap, pulls my hair out of a ponytail and just runs his fingers through my hair. In 3 short years my baby has survived 8 different moves, 3 stitches, giving up his "tassy," becoming a big brother at 15 months, potty training, and much more. He is such a strong intelligent little guy and I am so proud of who he is becoming. He reminds me to pray before we eat and he makes sure we pray every night before we hop into bed. He loves to sing songs about Jesus and read his Bible. What a mighty child of God. As I am writing this tears are coming to my eyes because I was the one God entrusted to care for Jacob and I am so blessed for it. Happy Birthday dear Jacob!

Jacob at 2 days

Jacob's first birthday!

Jacob's 2nd Birthday

Jacob's 3rd Birthday

Jacob at age 3!!


Anonymous said...

HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY, JACOB!!! You are such a blessing to your family and us too! We love you and think you are just the best!!! Have a fun day!!!

kathy said...

Happy Birthday to Jacob!!! Pop Pop and Mimi love you with all our hearts! You have brought so much joy to our lives! Have a great day!!

(Courtney, how beautiful!!! Jacob is a blessing from God! No matter how bad the day is....just thinking about him [and Caden-Bug, too!] warms my heart and makes me smile!! I know the Lord has great plans for him!! Thank you for being such a wonderful mother to this special little guy!)

Jim Milligan said...

Happy Birthday Jacob - Pop Pop & MiMi love you and hope you have a great day!

BTW, "Nothing can stop you now ... you have a princess to save!"

V-n-J said...

Happy Birthday Jacob! I can't believe you're the BIG THREE! Hope you have a fantastic day and are spoiled rotten. Much love from your friend Javan. We love you and look fwd to seeing you on your next visit.