Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Woodcrest Lake Monster

JJ and Tyler came down for a visit and have been hanging out with the boys while Josh and I are at work. Two days ago I had to go in for a long time so they were occupying the boys by taking them to the pool. JJ had to go get swim diapers so she left them with Tyler. He got bored and decided to take the boys to one of the lakes on our property. While they were there, Jacob fell head first into the lake and Tyler had to fish him out by his feet. JJ took pictures of what he ended up looking like. Luckily he is safe and still enjoys swimming (in the pool.)

Jacob after falling in the lake, notice how Caden was dressed.

Yucky Face


JJ and the Boys

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Out with the OLD and in with the NEW

Today we said goodbye to our Tennessee tags and got Georgia ones. How sad it is to know that now every time I will be looking for my car I won't be able to distinguish it from others by the license plate alone. Oh well I guess now I will have to find a different defining characteristic! Goodbye Tennessee Hello Georgia!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Funny Sayings from a 3 year old

Recently Jacob has been running around the house with his hand over one eye yelling, "Oh my eye, I got berry juice in my eye!" This quote is his interpretation of A Bug's Life. The part in the end where the ants are trying to scare off the grasshoppers and they make the fake bird. The stick bug puts a berry on his eye to make it look like the bird poked his eye out.

This morning while everyone was calling to wish him happy birthday he put his hand on mine and said, "No one can stop us now! We have a princess to save!" I have no idea where this one came from.

He asks, "Mommy what does a space ranger actually do?" And then answers his own question with, "I know he flies around in space and saves people from Zert." Zert is the bad guy from Toy Story 2 (can't remember his real name.)

He tells me, "Mommy you have beautiful hair!"

Dad was here a couple weeks ago and he kept calling me Princess. Which is his name for each of his daughters, I think its cuz he can't remember our names. :) So after dad called me Princess Jacob said, "Mommy you are not a Princess!" Thanks for the wake-up call Jacob.

Jacob spent the night with dad and when Dad said, "I think you need to go poop." Jacob replied, "No I don't think so." That same night Jacob told Dad that, "PopPop says 'Don't poop any frozen biscuits'." You'll have to ask Jim about this one! :)

And Finally Jacob asked Dad where Freia was and Dad told him she was downstairs. Jacob asked, "If I crawl under the chair will I be able to see her?"

Balloons from MiMi!

Look what came knocking on our door this morning! Jacob was so excited and can't wait to eat the M&Ms ( I told him he had to wait til after his nap.) Thank you MiMi!!!

Yes I know he is wearing a huge T-shirt, but he loves to sleep in it because KayKay and Erica gave it to him.

Which leads me to another point... yes we are still in our PJs, we have no place to go! :)

It's Official Jacob is 3!

I cannot believe it has been 3 years since this wonderful bundle of joy came into our lives. Although being a mommy can be tiring, I could not imagine my life without this sweet little boy. As a baby he would always reach up and play with my hair while I rocked him. This started when he was about 2 weeks old and to this day he still needs to play with my hair. It is so sweet and makes my heart bubble up with joy when he crawls up in my lap, pulls my hair out of a ponytail and just runs his fingers through my hair. In 3 short years my baby has survived 8 different moves, 3 stitches, giving up his "tassy," becoming a big brother at 15 months, potty training, and much more. He is such a strong intelligent little guy and I am so proud of who he is becoming. He reminds me to pray before we eat and he makes sure we pray every night before we hop into bed. He loves to sing songs about Jesus and read his Bible. What a mighty child of God. As I am writing this tears are coming to my eyes because I was the one God entrusted to care for Jacob and I am so blessed for it. Happy Birthday dear Jacob!

Jacob at 2 days

Jacob's first birthday!

Jacob's 2nd Birthday

Jacob's 3rd Birthday

Jacob at age 3!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Night Terrors...

Jacob has been potty trained for almost a year now, but I have nee too scared to let him sleep in underwear. He still sleeps in a diaper; until recently. A few nights ago I thought to myself, "He should be able to sleep in underwear and not wet the bed." So from then on I let go of the fear and let him wear underwear to bed. So the past couple of nights he has ended up in our bed pretty early (around 4 am) and I just put it off to he needed to go potty so that woke him up. Well last night he was in our bed and I wake up to Josh leaving the room, I just figured Jacob had pushed him out and he was going to go into the living room to sleep. Well 8:00 rolls around and here comes Caden-bug crawling into bed with us. This wakes Jacob up and he tells me he wants to go watch cartoons. He goes into the living room and Josh turns on the cartoons and then comes to lay back down with me and Caden. Josh lays down but then sits up real fast and says, "Courtney the bed is wet right here." I answered with, " I think I was really hot last night and I sweated a lot because my whole back is damp." Josh looks at me really funny and says, "Jacob felt wet are you sure he didn't pee in the bed?" I assured him that it was just me overheating. He still didn't believe me so he leaned down and sniffed the bed. His face twists into a sour expression and at that moment I realize that in fast Jacob had peed in the bed and I had been rolling around in it all night. I jump up fast strip the bed and Jacob; I start a load of laundry and then jump in the shower (with Jacob) to get the pee off of us.

Oh my life is never dull.

Friday, April 17, 2009

My Baby is Turning 3!

Josh and I decided this year we would celebrate Birthdays a little different than normal. Since we live 4 hours away, we are going to throw the boys a double party in Chattanooga in July. So for Jacob's Birthday Josh and I took him out by himself for a special night. Sarah came over to watch Caden-bug while we went out. First we took him to CiCi's to have some pizza and play some games. He loved driving the cars with Josh while I sat back and took some pictures. Next we headed to Toys R Us to pick out a bicycle for his present. Kathy had told me how much he wanted one during the Egg Hunt so this was what we were going to let him pick out. He was so excited, but once we got to the bike aisle and tried out a few he changed his mind. He was not at all excited about getting one and told me and Josh, "This does not fit my Birthday." He decided he wanted cars so we went to look for them. First he found one of the battery operated life size cars climbed in the $300 Cars one and said, "This fits my Birthday just right!" Too bad it did not fit our wallets! haha! So we kept on looking and he found his two semi-trucks from the movie Cars and said that they fit his Birthday. We tried to add on to the presents but nothing else fit his Birthday, only his two new trucks. Below you will see the picture of a failed attempt to get him a bike and the Barbie skate board he wanted. After paying we headed off to the movie theatre to take him to see Monsters vs Aliens- the IMAX 3d version. Which Josh and I did not know was $15 a person!!!! Luckily Jacob is still under the age limit and got in free. We all loved the movie and laughed quite a bit through it. Jacob had to take turns sitting in mine and Josh's laps because the movie chair kept folding up on him. We had a wonderful night and Jacob seemed to have a great time!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter 2009

Easter Egg Hunting @ TMC