Monday, October 19, 2009

Kids Say the Darndest Things...

Jacob: "Mommy I love you to the moon and back!"

Jacob:"What the flagnod?!?!"

Jacob: "Can I point with this finger?" As he holds up his middle finger!

Jacob: "But these are not fast shoes, Mommy! I do not want to wear my chucks!"

Caden: "Kinkle Kinkle wittle star!"

Caden: "Are you sweeping are you sweeping Jampa John, Jampa John?"

Caden: "Where did _____ go?" Insert any name here and repeat over and over again.

Jacob: "Mommy, why are you making that noise?" As I am laying on the couch snoring.

Caden: "Watch a mobie pwease."

Caden: "I want Pana, blankie, and Melmo chair!"


kathy said...

What is "flagnod" and "chucks?" They are so them!!

Anonymous said...

HAHA!!! They are so funny. I'm cracking up at Jacob asking if he can point with his middle finger. Too funny!