Thursday, February 26, 2009

Diving Like a Penguin

Last week Jampa John took the boys and me to the aquarium where the boys met the penguins. They absolutely loved them and now they like to reenact what they saw in the bathtub. So here are my sweet boys diving like penguins! At the end you can hear Caden-bug say "ove ou."


kathy said...

They are the most precious, adorable little boys ever!! I just wish I could just kiss them and squeeze them right now! :) Thanks for posting this, Courtney! You are so sweet for sharing these sweet times with us!! Love you all!!

Anonymous said...

hoe cute. they almost look like twins in this video

The Bates Family said...

Ha Ha Ha! I am at work laughing out loud! Caden doing it the first time was by far the best! Summer is going to be a blast with those two! Aunt BB loves you guys!