Sunday, February 7, 2010

I think he needs a bigger bed...

Caden has taken a liking to stuffed animals and feels the need to sleep with every single one of them. And yes he does make sure they are all in his bed every night and misses one if its not there. He sleeps with the following:
Panna (his panda)
Memo (Nemo)
Tiget (his tiger)
And Elphant (his elephant)

Doesn't leave much room for him, but he refuses to get rid of any of them, and definitely doesn't share with Jacob. Every night before I go to bed I check on the boys and there Caden is all snuggled up with all of his animals. I guess we are going to have to get bigger beds sooner than we thought! Sooo sweet!


kathy said...

I love how he picks them up and carries them with him when he gets up in the morning! He's so precious....Mimi loves those boys!!