Thursday, February 26, 2009

Diving Like a Penguin

Last week Jampa John took the boys and me to the aquarium where the boys met the penguins. They absolutely loved them and now they like to reenact what they saw in the bathtub. So here are my sweet boys diving like penguins! At the end you can hear Caden-bug say "ove ou."

Sunday, February 22, 2009

They grow up so fast...

Caden has been trying to climb out of his crib in the mornings and it scares me and Josh. It is pretty high off the floor and he could really hurt himself. So this morning I decided to do something about it and I turned his bed into a day bed. I took the guard off Jacob's bed and put it on Caden's. I cannot believe he is big enough for this. Pray that it goes well and he doesn't try and get out of the bed too often!

Exotic Wall Art

Jacob found a nail head in our wall and decided that his toy tiger would make a nice addition to our wall. He was laughing so hard about it I didn't want to take it down. Although when Caden saw it he flipped out and wanted it back down to play with. I guess I'll have to get something else to hang there.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Rockin' Jacob